Deborah Rice
Head Archivist
Cranbrook Archives, Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research

Head Archivist Deborah Rice leads development and management of the Cranbrook Archives to facilitate collection discovery and access. She came to the Archives in 2019 with over seventeen years of experience as a professional archivist, fifteen of those at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University (WSU), where she served in several different roles, including Interim Assistant Director. Prior to her work at WSU, she was the Archivist for the Detroit Institute of Arts Research Library & Archives. Deborah has taught graduate courses and lectured regularly on archives for WSU’s School of Information Science and remains professionally engaged, currently serving as the publications editor of the Society of American Archivists’ Visual Materials Section. Deborah holds a BA in Art History from the University of Michigan and an MLIS degree (Master of Library and Information Services) and Archives Administration Certificate from Wayne State University.
Header photo by Sophie Russell-Jeffrey, CAA'25