Laura MacNewman
Associate Archivist
Cranbrook Archives, Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research

Laura joined Cranbrook Archives as a volunteer in 2012 and the staff as Archives Assistant in 2015. She became Associate Archivist in 2018 and is primarily responsible for collections and research services, providing access to archives through managing remote and on-site research queries, processing collections, and cataloguing architectural drawings. Laura graduated with a BA (Honors) in Law and Society from the University of Exeter in England and an MA in Sociology from Wayne State University in Detroit. She completed her MA in Archives Administration with Aberystwyth University, Wales, in 2019. Her Masters dissertation used documentary analysis to examine the Register of Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter (1258-1280), alongside an analysis of its context of creation to assess the value of religious archives for secular historical research.
All photographs by P.D. Rearick, CAA '10.