Donate to the Center
Donations to the Center are critical to our work in sustaining and interpreting all that Cranbrook has to offer. Contributions of any amount help to uncover Cranbrook’s history and strengthen the promise of our future.
Since its inception in 2012, the Center has had a strong and expanding core of loyal supporters, allowing us to have operating flexibility as well as expand our programs and protect the collections under our care. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize on the Center’s virtual “Donor Wall” those individuals and foundations whose cumulative giving to the Center has exceeded $5,000 in monetary gifts.

Please make your check payable to Cranbrook Educational Community and add a note in the memo indicating your gift is for the Center.
Mailing Address
P.O. BOX 778761
CHICAGO, IL 60677-8761
Drop Off
Check may be dropped off at Cranbrook House.
Gifts to the Center for Collections and Research are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Cranbrook’s tax ID number is 38-2015048.

Donating long-term appreciated stocks allows you to avoid capital gains tax and often take a charitable deduction for the full value of the asset. Cranbrook has invested in this secure stock donation tool to make it easier than ever.
Please note: When you donate stock, please use the link below so Cranbrook can track your gift and send you the correct receipt to ensure you get the tax savings you deserve.
If you would prefer to make your donation through your broker, access Cranbrook’s transfer information from the link below or contact Cranbrook’s Gift Processing Department at or 248.645.3141 to notify Cranbrook of your gift.
If you are 70.5 or older, giving from your IRA helps reduce your taxable income — and for those over 73 who must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), an IRA gift is a simple way to fulfill it! Cranbrook has invested in this secure IRA donation tool to make it easier than ever to give from your IRA and receive tax benefits. It only takes a few minutes to use and will auto-complete your paperwork for you.
Please note: When you donate from your IRA, please use the link below so Cranbrook can track your gift and send you the correct receipt to ensure you get the tax savings you deserve.

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are investment accounts for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations today. If you have a DAF, you can use this secure DAF giving tool to make your impact today. FreeWill’s DAF tool integrates with your DAF custodian automatically and saves you the extra step of notifying the Center about your gift. By using this tool, you can:
- Recommend how you’d like your grant to be allocated
- Communicate your wishes to Cranbrook
- Share the details of your DAF grant
Learn how to support the Center for years to come with a gift that costs nothing now. Visit our Planned Giving website for information on leaving your legacy at Cranbrook.
To make it easy, we’ve partnered with FreeWill: a free online estate planning tool. In about 20 minutes, FreeWill guides you through writing your will or trust and makes it simple to donate any amount of your estate to the Center with a legacy gift in your will.
Please contact our Development Director, Amy Klein, at or 248.645.3215 for additional information or with any questions.
Cranbrook Academy of Art students on a Campus Tour, September 2019; Photography by Daniel Smith (CAA '21), Courtesy Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research.
Center Director Gregory Wittkopp speaking at the House Party 2021 Patrons Party, August 26, 2021; Photogtaphy by Eric Francy, Coutesy Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research.
Ariel View of Cranbrook's Campus, 2019; Colton Graub (CS '13), Courtesy Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research.
Main Room of Saarinen House, 2015; Photography by James Haefner, Courtesy of Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research.
Cranbrook House Library, 2021; Photography by Tryst Mallette, Courtesy of Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research.
Cranbrook Archives Reading Room; Photography by PD Rearick (CAA '10), Courtesy of Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research.
Exterior of Smith House, 2010; Photography by James Haefner, Courtesy of Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research.